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Mr.Toshimi Horiuchi

June, 2014 by UPLI Admin

Mr. Toshimi Horiuchi can be contacted at 1-42-1-106 Asahigaoka, Aoba-ku, Sendai-shi 981-0904, Japan

Born in the Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, in 1931, Toshimi Horiuchi graduated from Tohoku Gakuin College and later went on to study Creative Writing and American Poetry at Saint John’s University, Collegeville, Minnesota, and British and Irish Poetry at Exeter College in Oxford.

Also, please see more of his work in Poetry in English

Horiuchi is the recipient of several haiku awards, including the Aichi Prefecture Prize for Haiku in English and the Special Merit Book Award given to Synesthesia in Haiku and Other Essays by the Haiku Society of America. He was also given Golden Laurel Wreath Award by United Poets Laureate International and Poetry Day Golden Medallion (Golden Dove in Peace) by Melbourne Poetry Day Australia for his poetic publishings.

Horiuchi has written essays on poetry and creative writing for The Japan Times from 1992 through 2001. He continues his journey to the Inward Land of the rare and exquisite Fire Flower: the perfect poem. By “poetry” this wayfarer means a fresh and amazing approach to animate and heighten life.

This brief bio is copied from his poetry book, The Moon Ripens Over Words, published 2006. For information on how to receive one or more of his numerous books, contact him at the above address.

These exerpts are from his book, A Way of Enriching Bilingualism, pgs. 20 and 21.

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