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Ms. Jacquelin Raybuck

June, 2014 by UPLI Admin

Ms. Jacquelin (Jackie) K. Raybuck, Kent, Washington, USA, was born in 1992. She is currently (2010) attending high school, graduating in the class of 2011. She has no interest in learning to drive, loves reading and writing classes but not math. UPLI is her first membership in an international poetry organization.


If smiling could cure heartache,

Then laughter would ring loud. ‘”I

If smiling measured beauty, it,

Then everyone would stand proud.

If smiling helped the sick,

Then all could be a nurse.

But if smiling were a bad thing,

Then I would be the worst.


Untitled was a basic poem

Who read of life and death

Created by a student

And read with half a breath.

Untitled was a classroom poem

Created for a blog

With all the grace and balance

Of a wild raging hog.

Untitled was a happy poem

Until one fateful day

When he learned he had no name

And then he ran away.

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