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Ms. Sandra Wade

June, 2014 by UPLI Admin

Ms. Sandra Wade is a past Poet Laureate of Lake County, California, USA. She has many poetry credits and is an active poet in northern California.


Like a weary traveler gone too long

I am so homesick for your warm broad chest

and gentle grey-blue eyes

I want to look up and stand again on tiptoe

for your enfolding arms

though I am not your child

but dearest love

You are my country now

Your essence the homeland

imprinted in my very cells

The timbre of your voice my anthem

Your scent the only one remembered

to wake my deepest heart’s desire

© Sandra Wade, 6 January 2008


Hope rose bursting up out of the earth

as a horse that lifts its head

snorting from the great velvet nostrils

submerged to take long draughts –

the muzzle streaming now with water

lifted up to air and light

© Sandra Wade, 6 March 2008


What bird is that

with sharp one-note chirp

like the fading battery

of a smoke alarm?!

© Sandra Wade, 14 March 2007


Prayer on the run

does not need an altar

just the mind-held visuals

and going down to the knees

of heart-reverence

It needs a brief raising

of the eyes to higher wisdom

(through Ajna and Sahasrara)

and “Thank you!” and “I celebrate!”

(albeit I’m confused or do not understand

the obstacles I think are real)

as a runner sees fulfillment,

holds it in the mind as magnet

leaps in exultation

not to win the race but

to embrace the gain, the glory

in hir soul-expansion

© Sandra Wade, 5 February 2008

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