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Casualties of War

by Jeffrey Williams (USA)

Who are the casualties of war?

The nurses who calm the fears of those mortally wounded

with untrue promises of safe return to mother’s breast,

the dry-eyed, brokenhearted medics who fill body bags with

the carnage of senseless human destruction or

the decapitated bodies of boys in their nineteenth year

too green to know how to survive outside the urban jungle.

Who are the casualties of war?

The concert pianist whose missing hands will never again play

Beethoven, the officers who must send good people to die

for that sometimes obscure concept…freedom

or the children who must add single-parent family

to the confusing roles they already play.

Are these the casualties of war? I think not.

The true casualties of war are the complacent who believe

freedom is free, the disruptive who infringe the rights and

block the passage of those who keep open the paths to freedom,

and the ignorant who are too self-centered to realize whose

freedom the patriot’s blood is buying. These are the true

casualties of war because they readily accept all the gifts

of this soil yet choose to ignore their responsibility to

promote, protect and defend the world which provides

them freedom’s opportunities.

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