by Jacob Isaac

Nostalgic numbness of visual redemption
Litigating the proven dialogues of tomorrow
Hanging the stressful evening of pernicious sore
Adapting the level of state of mind
Averting the days of timidity
Time – out token of inhuman detention
The logical ligament of rationalization
Your speed of turning face
Reach to the palatial balcony of my feelings
Call for a look out period of
Spacious receptive parlor
Joking my label right renouncing
The sexy shades of your plural norms
Making the legitimate approach and appraisal
Narrating the saga of ceremony
Originating the lavish range of
Your out reach flame
Log on my ordinance of admiration
But your limitations of availability
Your inhibitions and approachability
Time and again stigma of age and aim
Neglecting the desire of my scheming art.
Acting the navigation of my moving chart
Back to normal, Abnormal!
Pleasing the target, wheezing the victim
Leaving my nation chatting the charges
Land of no-mans mind of my land
Knocking rotation, viewing the logo
Freely my roaming purely alarming
Days of my live plans ways of unique space
Now my thoughts are thoughts of thoughts
Now my spots are vague and vague.

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