by Jacob Isaac

Receiving and reminding the shadow
shelter of the response centre
Remaining the rejuvenating marshals
spell the space and time
Attaching the affirmation sight of
biocentric tools of signals and symptoms
Accepting and arguing the version of
contemporary comparison and
the robust acceptance
Living lines of dearly colors and sight
Attaining the monarch of containing
ears and unsatisfied eyes
still calling to watch and hear
There my wavering mind amicably
settling the traits of habits and instinct reactions
Flickering deeds of haunting emotions
Attaching the label of sin and sedation
Approaching the value of arguing alert
Provisions of habitual acceptance and
unfolding the living saga of prejudices
Why amazing biological imbalances
and suggestive sermon of procedure
Nickname my liberty of expressions
and pick up the stimulating words of affirmation
Hi ever getting rolling sense
Why your mate mind and mood
Cheer your mate I and You

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