by Reuben Donnell Brown

He went to war in our defense.
For reasons that made no sense.
He sent each, brave young lad & lass.
A war he said would last & last.
He sent our treasure, bombs and more.
We must not lose this SENSELESS WAR.

We saw the horrors multiply.
Sacrificed freedoms and treasure to the sky.
We must not lose this SENSELESS WAR.
The right thing now is to focus more.
The dollars go, lost lives mount.
Don’t say no we must not count.

Our nation’s rich, powerful and just.
We must win this war or bust.
We surrender freedoms as dead fathers turn.
Send more lives and dollars to burn.
The SENSELESS WAR must go on till we win.
For how long? No one knows when.

How did we come to this mess?
Where’s the sense of reason, of protest?
Where are the masses that rule our land?
To right these wrongs and take a stand?
How long must we follow? Is this our fate?
Sacrifice all, senselessly, if we wait too late.

The “WAR ON TERROR” is all that matters.
We must fight till we are all in tatters.
God, I pray somehow reason will return.
We have no lives to waste, no more treasure to burn.

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