by Natica Angilly

The Big Stage is set: curtain ready to open;
stage design created; lighting on “Go.”

Content and context arranges the steps,
the words, the phrases may change the script.
The “as you wish” ad-lib is not invited
but always expected. Thought and perception
are still shading. Fantasy and reality
are cordial to each other, trying to maintain
some mutual respect. All are ready to receive,
judge, re-create and assimilate.

An awareness blossoms in this opportunity
to make the impossible possible.
Some have arrived – seeking the prize –
The great reward of a “peak experience.”

Words move in the light fantastic –
weave and swell.
The universe smiles and expands the house,
opens the doors to our theater of the
timely and timeless.

The cosmos calls to broaden the landscape.
We assemble for the artistry of being.

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