Held every two years in various locations throughout the globe, The World Congress of Poets is an assemblage of both UPLI members and non-members to celebrate poetry, arts and the culture of the host country. A Congress President is elected who hosts and orchestrates the entire Congress proper.
Following the official registration of UPLI on December 8, 1963 with the Philippine Government, the First World Congress of Poets was held at the Manila Hotel, Philippines, on August 25-30, 1969 with Dr. Amado Yuzon as President of the Congress.
Each World Congress of Poets (or WCP for short) is filled with poetry readings in English as well as other languages, poetry competitions, performances, speeches and symposia on the various forms of poetry and literature (especially that of the host country), and cultural tours of the venue and nearby attractions. The WCP also provides UPLI members the opportunity to personally interact with one another, share their views, and celebrate their chosen art.
Dr. Amado Yuzon originally revived the disappearing tradition of old times of crowning poets with golden laurel wreaths for their accomplishments and achievements, and at every World Congress of Poets, UPLI continues to carry on this sacred practice.
Past congresses have been held in four continents of Asia, North America, South America, and Europe, in such diverse places as Taiwan, Italy, Korea, New York, Greece, Texas, China, Japan, The Philippines and more.
The overriding spirit of each Congress, however, is the promotion of peace, brotherhood and harmony among individuals, communities and nations.