A bilingual poet and author, Mr. Alexander Fui Sak Chang began writing poems in 1957/1958, using different pseudo names.He has won many international awards and prizes, poet laureate honors, and other prestigious international recognitions for world peace, harmony and brotherhood through poetry.
Mr. Chang was the Regional Director of Oceania, for the United Poets Laureate International, President of the Association of Chinese Writers SA, and an editor and producer of “Southland”/”Wen You” Chinese Literary magazine.
His poems include:
Proses and commentary:
郑会石 Alexander Chang (Zheng Hui Shi)
1957/1958年,開始寫詩。笔名有:卡斯特,鲁尔,杨羽,张良等。用英文写作则用原名Alexander Chang。
历任南澳大利亞華文作家協會會長,南澳文学雙月刊《文友》雜誌编审及製作。南澳华团联合会副会长( Federation of Chinese Organisations South Australia)。世界桂冠诗人联盟董事( Regional Director for Oceania, United Poets Laureate International),南澳作家中心( SA Writers Centre),及南澳街头诗人会员( SA Friendly Street Poets Inc.)。
长诗:《梨抱的故事》- 《The Man From Kapuas River》,《火烧蓝山赋》,《伊拉克的泪》,《九月》,《十月》,《The Signature of Light》